Label: 7-2-1

All content with label 7-2-1.
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7.2.1 Release Notes for EE (Support)

Other labels: releasenotes, readme, release, notes, documentation
GWME-7.2.1-00 Rollup Patch Installer (GroundWork 7.2.1 Documentation)
Overview The Rollup Patch installer is a cumulative patch, and is a step closer to the "continuous deployment" method of updating. The patch installer is intended to be used independent of Technical bulletins, though some Technical Bulletins may depend upon the Rollup Patch already having ...
Other labels: tb
GWME-7.2.1-00 version 4127 Rollup Patch Details (GroundWork 7.2.1 Documentation)
Overview The 7.2.1 Rollup Patch installer version 4127 includes fixes for issues in checking Oracle databases via queries, the automation of removal of orphan downtime records, updates and improvements to the SLA dashboards and a Monarch script enhancement. It also removes JMX ...
Other labels: downtime, oracle, jmx, josso, sla, dashboards
GWME-7.2.1-01 Portal Changes (GroundWork 7.2.1 Documentation)
Problem GroundWork systems which originally started operating using GroundWork Monitor Enterprise 7.1.0 and earlier releases, and have since been upgraded, missed a few portal changes that were included in a fresh 7.1.1 release. These changes were made ...
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GWME-7.2.1-02 Nagios Feeders (GroundWork 7.2.1 Documentation)
Problem Certain messages from Nagios can contain unmapped values related to state, with the result being failures when the status and event feeders form updates to Foundation (values are not recognized as valid data). The failures can be detected in the framework log ...
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GWME-7.2.1-04 SLA and Downtime Scheduler Update (GroundWork 7.2.1 Documentation)
Contents Description This technical bulletin is for all GroundWork customers. It provides an update to the SLA processing and dashboards (for enterprise customers) and the downtime scheduler "slareport" database. It is applicable to GroundWork Monitor 7.2.1 only, and requires the application of the GWME7.2.100 Rollup Patch Installer ...
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GWME-7.2.1-05 Notification Log Retention (GroundWork 7.2.1 Documentation)
Contents Description This update is for all GroundWork customers. The notification manager (NoMa) does not natively implement longterm retention control for the logging of outgoing notifications. Over time, that can cause the {{noma}} database to grow quite large at a site that makes extensive ...
Other labels: tb
GWME-7.2.1-10 vSphere 6.7 Fix for Cloud Hub Access (GroundWork 7.2.1 Documentation)
Contents Description This updated update is for all GroundWork customers running 7.x software and desiring to monitor VMware using the Cloud Hub connector. Newer security standards require an explicit setting of TLS capabilities on the Java engine side. This is a trivial ...
Other labels: tb, bulletins
GWME-7.2.1-11 GroundWork Iframe Portlet Display Issue Repair Patch (GroundWork 7.2.1 Documentation)
Contents Description This updated update is for all GroundWork customers running GroundWork Monitor Core or Enterprise 7.2.1 who want to use the new GroundWork Iframe Portlet in complex ways. What is in this update? This Technical Bulletin provides a documented and scripted method ...
Other labels: tb, bulletins
GWME-7.2.1-13 Additional NoMa Logfile Rotation Patch (GroundWork 7.2.1 Documentation)
Contents Description This update is for all GroundWork customers running GroundWork Monitor 7.2.1 who want to ensure that all NoMa logfiles are properly rotated and are not subject to infinite growth. What is in this update? This Technical Bulletin provides a documented and scripted method of applying ...
Other labels: tb, bulletins