Label: cleanup

Content with label cleanup in Support (See content from all spaces)
Related Labels: approaching, faq, too, device, license, count, many, howto, current, kb, reduce, limit, validity

Resetting your GWCollageDB
while attempting to cleanup your devices, you end up with bunch of Java Exceptions in the user interface, then you might want to start with afresh GWCollageDB. This will dump any historical data you have, but it will enable you to run a commit cleanly ...
Other labels: faq, kb, howto
Your current license is approaching its validity limit
I've just run autodiscover, or added several hosts, or changed the IP addresses of several hosts, and now my system says that my license is "approaching it's validity limit". I know I do not have more than my licensed ...
Other labels: license, faq, device, count, too, many, reduce, current