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( - josso, - tomcat )
GWME-7.1.1-12 - Tomcat 6.0.53
Problem GroundWork 7.1.1 includes Tomcat 6.0.32 which has been noted as having vulnerabilities. This patch upgrades Tomcat to 6.0.53. Customers running 7.1.1 that need to be compliant with PCI Net regulations, among others, need to upgrade. Solution Apply ...
Other labels:
tb, bulletins, 7-1-1
GWME-7.1.1-13 - LDAP Fix Where Group has Empty Alias or Description Field
Problem GroundWork 7.1.1 LDAP is not happy with AD which includes groups where certain attributes like "description" or "alias" include empty values. These groups are often some in the AD tree that coincidentally contain the GW users, and do not have to be the GW ...
Other labels:
tb, bulletins, 7-1-1