Version 1 by Bren Eckles
on Oct 06, 2017 10:08.

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Current by Bren Eckles
on Mar 07, 2018 13:36.

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{column}{column:width=33%}RELATED RESOURCES
* [WMI troubleshooting]
* [Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN)|http://msdn.microsoft.com/library?url=/library/en-us/WMIsdk/WMI/WMI_start_page.asp]
* [Nagios Plugin Developer's Guidelines|http://nagiosplug.sourceforge.net/developer-guidelines.html]


h1. 3.0 NRPE_NT and WMI Troubleshooting

WMI is installed on newer versions of Windows and can also be downloaded and installed on Windows NT 4. However, sometimes there are issues in getting WMI functioning. Most often these are easy to solve by ensuring authentication is set up correctly but in other cases there are corrupt or missing data structures on the remote host. There are a number of references on the Internet to assist with troubleshooting WMI problems. The plugins in this package assist with this troubleshooting by returning the WMI error code and (if possible) a description for that error.

If you are using the plugins without supplying \-user and \-pass arguments then the NRPE_NT service must be run as a user with administrative privileges on the host that the plugins are targeting. If you are using the plugins with \-user and \-pass arguments then that user must have administrative privileges on the target host.
In the case where you aren't using the \-user and \-pass arguments the use of a domain administrator account and then making sure that domain administrators have local administrative rights on each target host is the most efficient and maintainable solution. Another method involves defining a local account on each target host that uses the same account name and password as that passed to the plugin or as that being used to run the NRPE_NT service.

We list the following URLs on WMI and WMI troubleshooting for your convenience and will make every attempt to keep the links up to date:
* [WMI Classes|http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/wmisdk/wmi/wmi_classes.asp] \- A list of Microsoft WMI classes and their properties. Note that other vendors extend the WMI schema with their own classes, e.g. Cisco AVVID products.
* [Using WMI to monitor performance|http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms974615.aspx] \- A reference from Microsoft.
* [Repairing WMI|http://windowsxp.mvps.org/repairwmi.htm] \- A reference from Microsoft.
* [WMI Tools|http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=6430f853-1120-48db-8cc5-f2abdc3ed314&DisplayLang=en] \- Microsoft's WMI Tools ActiveX applications for browsing WMI schema and instances on a computer.
* [WMI Diagnosis Utility|http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=d7ba3cd6-18d1-4d05-b11e-4c64192ae97d&DisplayLang=en] \- Microsoft's WMIDiag Tool to troubleshoot the state of WMI on a computer.