... h4. Tech Tip 9 (4/2019) - Submit downtime via Rest API/command line {note}This Tech Tip applies to GroundWork Monitor version 7.2.1 which has full API support, prior versions of GroundWork Monitor used a different method.{note} h5. Overview In groundwork, downtime submitted only to the Nagios command pipe does not appear in the general Downtime user interface. This page reviews how to submit a host and service downtimes into GroundWork Monitor via the REST API, using the Linux command line, and have it appear in the Configuration > Downtimes screens to validate and audit. This solves the problem of adding all legacy downtimes from an older installation to a new one, and allows you to automate adding downtimes to both a primary parent and any standby servers at the same time, thus keeping them in sync.
... This script allows you to submit downtime to a GroundWork 7.2.x server from the command line. # Download and copy the attached script to the nagios home dir on your GroundWork server. {note}This can also be run from other Linux systems that have network access to the GroundWork server.{note} # Make executable by nagios: (for example) {noformat} chmod +x dt_script.sh {noformat} #* Run like this: {noformat}./dt_script.sh -S your-gw-server -u username -p password -h host-to-put-in-downtime||null -s service-to-pu-in-downtime||null -g hostgroup-to-put-in-downtime||null -r servicegroup-to-put-in-downtime||null -a author -c "Description text in quotes" -D <Start date, e.g. "2019-04-12 21:30:00"> -E <End date, e.g. "2019-04-12 23:30:00"> -d duration{noformat} #* You will need to feed in good input for it to work. #* The \-S, \-u, \-p, \-h, \-s, \-g, \-r, \-a, \-c args are all required. Use _null_ for any parameters you don't need (e.g. -g null when specifying downtime for a host). #* Start, End, Duration #** If you don't give it start and end and duration, it will default to now for an hour. #** If you give it a start, it will run for an hour from start. #** And if you give it a start and duration, that will work too. #** Start times *must* be at least 1 full minute in the future. This will work for host (and all services) if you specify the host and leave service at null, or for a single service if you specify the host and service. This script will also work fine for hostgroup and servicegroup downtimes. * For a hostgroup named "foo", for example, do something like this: {noformat}./dt_script.sh -S your-gw-server -u username -p password -h "*" -s "*" -g foo -r null -a author -c "Downtime for hostgroup foo" -D "2019-04-15 21:30:00" -E "2019-04-15 23:30:00" -d 120{noformat} * And for servicegroup barr: {noformat}./dt_script.sh -S your-gw-server -u username -p password -h "*" -s "*" -g null -r barr -a author -c "Downtime for hostgroup foo" -D "2019-04-15 21:30:00" -E "2019-04-15 23:30:00" -d 120{noformat} {note}The "*" and the null values in the appropriate positions.{note}