The AMI instance has a private IP Address and a Public DNS. The Public DNS is often used to access the GroundWork Monitor portal. Make sure the GroundWork Monitor web portal IS configured with the Public DNS name by the following steps before you try to access the portal.
Using the key you generated, access the instance with an SSH session:
{code}ssh -i <path to the key you generated>
[email protected]{code}
You will be prompted to answer yes to connect to the instance.
Next, become the root user:
{code}sudo su -{code}
Now decide which of the names or IP addresses you want GroundWork to use. Just be sure your choice is available to you from your browser. First verify this by executing the following from the machine where you are opening your browser:
nslookup <the name or ip address>
Alternatively use "dig" or "ping":
dig <the name or ip address>
ping <the name or ip address>
If the tests do not indicate success you must work out the problem before proceeding.
If it is ok you can set that name into GroundWork. As root, execute the following script to configure GroundWork to use the Public DNS name. Replace the *ec2-xx-xx-xx-xx.z-2.compute-1.amazonws.com* argument with your instance name. If you are going to use this in a Virtual Private Cloud, the argument would be the private address, or Private DNS name.
/usr/local/groundwork/gw-config --machine_hostname ec2-xx-xx-xx-xx.z-2.compute-1.amazonws.com
Then, restart GroundWork using the command
/etc/init.d/groundwork restart
When the root prompt comes back you are ready to use the instance.
h1. Access GroundWork Monitor.
Open a new browser tab at the "public DNS" address of the newly created instance.
Login using the default administrator credentials:
Username: admin
Password: admin
You're now ready to explore GroundWork Monitor 7.0.1
Be sure to change the password for the admin user, and to either disable or change the other default web accounts (User and Operator).
Changing the default passwords is highly recommended. Do so as the Admin user. From the main portal screen choose (Group \-> Organization \-> Users and Groups Management)
This is the panel you will see, click on the User Management, Account Info tabs and check the box for *Change Password*
You can now configure monitoring of your cloud and web resources, or any hosts or applications reachable from your EC2 instance.
The AMI we produced is set for the most popular Time Zone, on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. We applied the timezone adjustment to PHP referred to in technical bulletin [6.3-3 Timezone for php must be set in 6.3|SUPPORT:6.3-3 Timezone for php must be set in 6.3] so that the ami will work when launched in the Eastern US availability zones, but you may adjust this parameter for whatever time zone you launch the AMI in. Follow the instructions in the technical bulletin if you need to launch the ami in another time zone.
h5. Learning about GroundWork Monitor
Check out the "Getting Started with GroundWork Monitor" training course on [our web site|http://www.gwos.com/resources/video/] .
Need to justify a monitoring investment? [Try our whitepapers|http://www.groundworkopensource.com/resources/white-papers/] [http://www.groundworkopensource.com/resources/white-papers/]
h5. Note about the address setting
These are the files updated by running "gw-config".
_*After you make changes to these files with our script you must restart GroundWork:*_
/etc/init.d/groundwork restart