List of all members
dassmonarch Class Reference

Access monarch. More...

Public Class Methods

object new (void)
void DESTROY (void)

Public Object Methods

boolean set_debuglevel (string newlevel)
int get_debuglevel (void)
void debug (string msglevel, string message)
string get_debugmessages (void)
string get_errormessages (void)
string dassmonarch_version (void)
vstring dassmonarch_vstring (void)
string monarch_version (void)
vstring monarch_vstring (void)
string nagios_version (void)
boolean update_or_insert_obj (string table, string searchcolumn, string searchvalue, hashref valref)
boolean or hash host_exists (string hostname)
boolean or hash hostgroup_exists (string hostgroupname)
boolean or hash service_exists (string servicename)
boolean or hash servicegroup_exists (string servicegroupname)
boolean or hash host_extinfo_template_exists (string templatename)
boolean or hash service_extinfo_template_exists (string templatename)
boolean or hash monarch_group_exists (string monarch_group)
int get_host_template_id (string host_template)
int get_service_template_id (string service_template)
int get_hostprofileid (string hostprofilename)
int get_serviceprofileid (string serviceprofilename)
int get_serviceid (string servicename)
int get_hostid (string hostname)
int get_host_serviceid (string hostname, string servicename)
int get_hostgroupid (string hostgroupname)
int get_command_id (string commandname)
int get_escalation_tree_id (string escalationtreename, string type)
int get_extended_host_information_template_id (param extended_host_information_template)
string get_host_template_name (int hosttemplate_id)
string get_hostprofilename (int hostprofile_id)
string get_serviceprofilename (int serviceprofile_id)
string get_genericservicename (int servicename_id)
string get_hostname (int host_id)
string get_servicename (int service_id)
string get_host_address (string hostname)
arrayref get_hosts_with_address (string address)
array get_hostlist (void)
arrayref or array get_hostgroups_for_host (string hostname)
arrayref or array get_hosts_in_hostgroup (string hostgroup)
arrayref or array get_hostservice_list (string hostname)
arrayref or array get_service_hostlist (string servicename)
arrayref or array get_all_service_dependencies (void)
boolean or hash search_service_by_prefix (string substring)
boolean import_host (string hostname, string alias, string address, string profile_name, boolean update)
boolean import_host_api (string hostname, string alias, string address, string profile_name, boolean update)
boolean clone_host (string src_host, string dest_host, string dest_alias, string dest_address)
boolean clone_service (string src_service, string dest_service)
int clone_hostprofile (string source_hostprofile, string target_hostprofile)
boolean delete_hostprofile (string hostprofilename)
int clone_service_template (string source_servicetemplate, string target_servicetemplate)
DEPRECATED boolean assign_host_profile (string hostname, string hostprofilename, boolean replace)
boolean assign_and_apply_hostprofile_to_host (string hostname, string hostprofilename, boolean replace)
boolean apply_hostprofile_to_host (string hostname, string hostprofilename, boolean replace)
DEPRECATED boolean apply_hostprofile_service_profiles (string hostname, string hostprofilename, boolean replace)
boolean assign_and_apply_hostprofile_serviceprofiles (string hostname, string hostprofilename, boolean replace)
int create_serviceprofile (string serviceprofilename, string serviceprofile_description)
boolean assign_service_to_serviceprofile (string servicename, string serviceprofilename, string apply, boolean replace)
arrayref or array get_serviceprofile_services (string serviceprofilename)
boolean assign_and_apply_serviceprofile_to_host (string hostname, string serviceprofilename, boolean replace)
arrayref or array get_hosts_with_serviceprofile (string serviceprofilename)
boolean remove_serviceprofile_from_host (string hostname, string serviceprofilename)
boolean create_hostgroup (string hostgroupname, string alias)
boolean assign_hostgroup (string hostname, string hostgroup)
boolean remove_host_from_hostgroup (string hostname, string hostgroup)
boolean create_servicegroup (string servicegroupname, string alias, string service_escalation, string notes)
boolean assign_servicegroup (string host, string service, string servicegroup)
boolean set_generic_service_command (string servicename, string commandname)
boolean set_generic_service_commandline (string servicename, string commandline)
boolean set_host_overrides_properties (string hostname, hashref propref)
boolean set_service_overrides_properties (string hostname, string servicename, hashref propref)
boolean set_host_service_notification_interval (string hostname, string servicename, int interval)
boolean set_host_service_freshness_threshold (string hostname, string servicename, int threshold)
boolean add_service (string hostname, string service)
boolean remove_service (string hostname, string servicename)
boolean apply_host_template (string hostname, string host_template)
boolean apply_service_template (string servicename, string service_template)
boolean create_extended_host_info_template (string template_name, string notes, string notes_url, string action_url, string icon_image, string icon_image_alt, string statusmap_image, string vrml_image)
boolean apply_extended_host_information_template (string hostname, string extended_host_information_template)
int create_contact (string contact_name, string contact_alias, string contact_email, string contact_template, string contact_pager)
int create_contactgroup (string contactgroup_name, string contactgroup_alias)
boolean delete_contact (string contact_name)
boolean delete_contactgroup (string contactgroup_name)
int get_contact_template_id (string contacttemplatename)
int get_contact_id (string contact_name)
int get_contactgroup_id (string contactgroup_name)
arrayref or array get_contactgroup_contacts (string contactgroup_name)
string get_contactgroup_name (int contactgroup_id)
arrayref or array get_hostgroup_contactgroups (string hostgroup_name)
arrayref or array get_service_contactgroups (string servicename)
boolean assign_contact_to_contactgroup (string contact_name, string contactgroup_name)
boolean assign_contactgroup_to_hostgroup (string contactgroup_name, string hostgroup_name)
boolean assign_contactgroup_to_servicename (string contactgroup_name, string servicename)
boolean remove_contactgroup_from_servicename (string contactgroup_name, string servicename)
boolean apply_hostescalation_tree (string hostname, string escalation_tree)
boolean apply_service_escalation_tree_to_host (string hostname, string escalation_tree)
boolean apply_serviceescalation_tree_to_hostservice (string hostname, string servicename, string escalation_tree)
boolean apply_serviceescalation_tree_to_all_hostservices (string hostname, string escalation_tree)
boolean delete_host (string hostname)
boolean delete_hosts (string searchstring)
boolean delete_hostgroup_members (string hostgroupname)
boolean delete_hostgroup (string hostgroupname)
boolean delete_service (string servicename)
boolean delete_services (string searchstring)
boolean delete_host_ext_info_template (string templatename)
boolean delete_host_ext_info_template_list (string templatename_prefix)
boolean set_parents (string hostname, arrayref parents)
array get_host_parent (string hostname)
boolean enable_active_host_checks (string hostname)
boolean enable_active_service_checks (string hostname, string servicename)
boolean enable_obsess_host_checks (string hostname)
boolean enable_obsess_service_checks (string hostname, string servicename)
boolean enable_all_active_service_checks_on_host (string hostname)
boolean enable_all_obsess_service_checks_on_host (string hostname)
boolean enable_active_service_check_on_hostgroup (string hostgroup, string servicename)
boolean enable_obsess_service_check_on_hostgroup (string hostgroup, string servicename)
boolean enable_all_active_service_checks_on_hostgroup (string hostgroup)
boolean enable_all_obsess_service_checks_on_hostgroup (string hostgroup)
boolean disable_active_host_checks (string hostname)
boolean disable_active_service_checks (string hostname, string servicename)
boolean disable_obsess_host_checks (string hostname)
boolean disable_obsess_service_checks (string hostname, string servicename)
boolean disable_all_active_service_checks_on_host (string hostname)
boolean disable_all_obsess_service_checks_on_host (string hostname)
boolean disable_active_service_check_on_hostgroup (string hostgroup, string servicename)
boolean disable_obsess_service_check_on_hostgroup (string hostgroup, string servicename)
boolean disable_all_active_service_checks_on_hostgroup (string hostgroup)
boolean disable_all_obsess_service_checks_on_hostgroup (string hostgroup)
boolean enable_host_notifications (string hostname)
boolean disable_host_notifications (string hostname)
boolean enable_host_service_notifications (string hostname, string servicename)
boolean disable_host_service_notifications (string hostname, string servicename)
boolean enable_all_notifications_on_host (string hostname)
boolean disable_all_notifications_on_host (string hostname)
boolean enable_host_service_freshness_checks (string hostname, string servicename)
boolean disable_host_service_freshness_checks (string hostname, string servicename)
DEPRECATED boolean assign_monarch_group_host (string monarch_group, string hostname)
boolean assign_monarch_group_hosts (string monarch_group, arrayref hosts)
boolean assign_monarch_group_hostgroups (string monarch_group, arrayref hostgroups)
boolean assign_monarch_group_subgroups (string monarch_group, arrayref subgroups)
arrayref get_monarch_group_hosts (string monarch_group)
arrayref get_monarch_group_hostgroups (string monarch_group)
hashref get_monarch_group_orphans (void)
arrayref get_monarch_group_subgroups (string monarch_group)
string get_monarchgroup_location (string monarch_group)
boolean remove_monarch_group_hosts (string monarch_group, arrayref hosts)
boolean remove_monarch_group_hostgroups (string monarch_group, arrayref hostgroups)
boolean remove_monarch_group_subgroups (string monarch_group, arrayref subgroups)
int create_external (string external_name, string description, string type, string content)
boolean rename_external (string old_external_name, string new_external_name)
boolean delete_external (string external_name)
boolean assign_external_to_hostprofile (string hostprofile_name, string external_name)
boolean assign_external_to_service (string service_name, string external_name)
boolean apply_external_to_host (string host_name, string external_name, boolean modified)
boolean apply_external_to_hostservice (string host_name, string service_name, string external_name, boolean modified)
boolean modify_external (string external_name, string description, string content)
boolean modify_host_external (string host_name, string external_name, string content, boolean modified)
boolean modify_hostservice_external (string host_name, string service_name, string external_name, string content, boolean modified)
boolean remove_external_from_hostprofile (string hostprofile_name, string external_name)
boolean remove_external_from_service (string service_name, string external_name)
boolean remove_external_from_host (string host_name, string external_name)
boolean remove_external_from_hostservice (string host_name, string service_name, string external_name)
hashref get_external (string external_name)
int get_externalid (string external_name)
string get_externalname (int external_id)
hashref get_host_external (string host_name, string external_name)
hashref get_hostservice_external (string host_name, string service_name, string external_name)
arrayref list_externals (string type)
arrayref list_hostprofile_externals (string hostprofile_name)
arrayref list_service_externals (string service_name)
arrayref list_host_externals (string host_name)
arrayref list_hostservice_externals (string host_name, string service_name)
arrayref list_hostprofiles_with_external (string external_name)
arrayref list_services_with_external (string external_name)
arrayref list_hosts_with_external (string external_name)
arrayref list_hostservices_with_external (string external_name)
boolean propagate_external (string external_name, boolean replace)
boolean buildAllExternals (boolean force)
boolean buildSomeExternals (arrayref hostsref, boolean force)
boolean pre_flight_check (string monarch_group)
boolean generateAndCommit (string annotation, boolean lock)
boolean build_instance (string monarch_group)

Detailed Description

Access monarch.

This class provides methods to access the monarch database to automatically import and manage configuration data. A fair number of these routines can be called in either scalar or list context. In such cases, the method prototype lists only the most common usage. The description of the method return value gives more detail on how the returned data changes with the calling context.

Also note that database errors may occur at any time, for reasons unrelated to this package. A calling application must be aware of that possibility, and be able to recognize when intended operations have not completed as planned. To that end, most routines in this package will return undef (in scalar context) or an empty list (in list context) when a database error occurs. An undef in scalar context is sufficiently distinctive that it usually signals unambiguously that a failure has occurred. An empty list might or might not be sufficiently distinctive to conclude that a failure has occurred; that depends on the nature of the method being called. Application code must be written to be vigilant about testing returned values and responding accordingly.

Member Function Documentation

boolean dassmonarch::add_service ( string  hostname,
string  service 

Add a generic service to a host, thereby creating a host service.

hostnamename of the host to which the service will be added
servicename of the service to add to the host
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::apply_extended_host_information_template ( string  hostname,
string  extended_host_information_template 

Apply an extended host information template to a host.

hostnamename of the host to apply the template to
extended_host_information_templatename of the template to apply
status: true if successful, else false
boolean dassmonarch::apply_external_to_host ( string  host_name,
string  external_name,
boolean  modified 

Apply a host external to a host. Overwrite existing external content and metadata if this host external was already applied.

host_nameName of the host to which the external is to be applied.
external_nameName of the host external to be applied.
modifiedTrue, if the external is to be marked as a custom copy. False, if the external is to be marked as an unmodified copy.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::apply_external_to_hostservice ( string  host_name,
string  service_name,
string  external_name,
boolean  modified 

Apply a service external to a host service. Overwrite existing external content and metadata if this service external was already applied.

host_nameName of the host on which the service resides.
service_nameName of the host service to which the external is to be applied.
external_nameName of the host external to be applied.
modifiedTrue, if the external is to be marked as a custom copy. False, if the external is to be marked as an unmodified copy.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::apply_host_template ( string  hostname,
string  host_template 

Apply a host_template to a host.

hostnamename of the host to which the host template should be applied
host_templatename of the host template to apply
status: true if successful, else false
boolean dassmonarch::apply_hostescalation_tree ( string  hostname,
string  escalation_tree 

Apply a host escalation tree to a host.

hostnamename of the host to which the escalation tree should be applied
escalation_treename of the host escalation tree to apply to the host
status: true if successful, else false
DEPRECATED boolean dassmonarch::apply_hostprofile_service_profiles ( string  hostname,
string  hostprofilename,
boolean  replace 

Apply all service profiles which are assigned to a host profile to a host. This function is deprecated, due to a misleading name; use assign_and_apply_hostprofile_serviceprofiles() instead.

hostnamename of the host to which the serviceprofiles should be applied
hostprofilenamename of the hostprofile whose serviceprofiles will be assigned to the host
replaceTrue, if existing services should be replaced by services in the host profile's service profiles. False, if services should be merged.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::apply_hostprofile_to_host ( string  hostname,
string  hostprofilename,
boolean  replace 

Apply a host profile and associated service profiles to a host. This routine is similar to assign_and_apply_hostprofile_to_host(), but it does not permanently assign the host profile to the host. (That said, service profiles associated with the host profile are still assigned to the host before they are applied.) This routine is provided to support the case where a host is being added to the system and its association with the host profile is to be indirect through a hostgroup that is assigned to be managed by the host profile, instead of having the host profile be directly assigned to the host.

hostnamename of the host to which the hostprofile should be applied
hostprofilenamename of the hostprofile to apply to the host
replaceTrue, if existing services should be replaced by services in associated service profiles. False, if services should be merged.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::apply_service_escalation_tree_to_host ( string  hostname,
string  escalation_tree 

Apply a service escalation tree to a host. This overwrites existing service escalations for any particular service of that host. This means you can only use this option if ALL services on the host are to be escalated following the same tree.

hostnamename of the host to which the escalation tree should be applied
escalation_treename of the service escalation tree to apply
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::apply_service_template ( string  servicename,
string  service_template 

Apply a service_template to a service.

servicenamename of the generic service to which the service template should be applied
service_templatename of the service template to apply
status: true if successful, else false
boolean dassmonarch::apply_serviceescalation_tree_to_all_hostservices ( string  hostname,
string  escalation_tree 

Apply a service escalation tree to all already-defined services on a host. Use this, if you want to have different escalation trees for later defined services. If you want to have the same tree on definitely all services on a host, use apply_service_escalation_tree_to_host() instead.

hostnamename of the host on which services to which the escalation tree should be applied reside
escalation_treename of the service escalation tree to apply
status: true if successful, else false
boolean dassmonarch::apply_serviceescalation_tree_to_hostservice ( string  hostname,
string  servicename,
string  escalation_tree 

Apply a service escalation tree to a particular service on a host.

hostnamename of the host on which the service to which the escalation tree should be applied resides
servicenamename of the service to which the escalation tree should be applied
escalation_treename of the service escalation tree to apply
status: true if successful, else false
boolean dassmonarch::assign_and_apply_hostprofile_serviceprofiles ( string  hostname,
string  hostprofilename,
boolean  replace 

Apply all service profiles which are assigned to a host profile to a host.

hostnamename of the host to which the serviceprofiles should be applied
hostprofilenamename of the hostprofile whose serviceprofiles will be assigned to the host
replaceTrue, if existing services should be replaced by services in the host profile's service profiles. False, if services should be merged.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::assign_and_apply_hostprofile_to_host ( string  hostname,
string  hostprofilename,
boolean  replace 

Assign and apply a host profile and associated service profiles to a host.

hostnamename of the host to which the hostprofile should be applied
hostprofilenamename of the hostprofile to assign and apply to the host
replaceTrue, if existing services should be replaced by services in associated service profiles. False, if services should be merged.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::assign_and_apply_serviceprofile_to_host ( string  hostname,
string  serviceprofilename,
boolean  replace 

Assign a service profile to a host, and apply the corresponding services to that host.

hostnamename of the host to which the serviceprofile is to be assigned and applied
serviceprofilenamename of the serviceprofile to assign and apply to the host
replaceTrue, if existing services should be replaced by services in the service profile. False, if services should be merged.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::assign_contact_to_contactgroup ( string  contact_name,
string  contactgroup_name 

Assign a contact to a contactgroup.

contact_namename of the the contact to assign
contactgroup_namename of the contactgroup to which the contact should be assigned
status: true, if operation was successful; false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::assign_contactgroup_to_hostgroup ( string  contactgroup_name,
string  hostgroup_name 

Assign a contactgroup to a hostgroup.

contactgroup_namename of the contactgroup to assign
hostgroup_namename of the hostgroup to which the contactgroup should be assigned
status: true, if operation was successful; false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::assign_contactgroup_to_servicename ( string  contactgroup_name,
string  servicename 

Assign a contactgroup to a servicename.

contactgroup_namename of the contactgroup to assign
servicenamename of the generic service to which the contactgroup should be assigned
status: true, if operation was successful; false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::assign_external_to_hostprofile ( string  hostprofile_name,
string  external_name 

Assign a host external to a host profile.

hostprofile_nameName of the host profile.
external_nameName of the host external.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::assign_external_to_service ( string  service_name,
string  external_name 

Assign a service external to a generic service.

service_nameName of the service.
external_nameName of the service external.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
DEPRECATED boolean dassmonarch::assign_host_profile ( string  hostname,
string  hostprofilename,
boolean  replace 

Assign a host profile and associated service profiles to a host. This function is deprecated, due to a misleading name; use assign_and_apply_hostprofile_to_host() instead.

hostnamename of the host to which the hostprofile should be applied
hostprofilenamename of the hostprofile to assign and apply to the host
replaceTrue, if existing services should be replaced by services in associated service profiles. False, if services should be merged.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::assign_hostgroup ( string  hostname,
string  hostgroup 

Assign a host to a hostgroup.

hostnamename of the host to be assigned to the hostgroup
hostgroupname of the hostgroup the host shall join
status: true if operation successful, else false
DEPRECATED boolean dassmonarch::assign_monarch_group_host ( string  monarch_group,
string  hostname 

Assign a single host to a Monarch Group. This function is deprecated; use assign_monarch_group_hosts() instead.

monarch_groupname of a Monarch Group
hostnamename of a particular single host
status: true if assign_monarch_group_host succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean dassmonarch::assign_monarch_group_hostgroups ( string  monarch_group,
arrayref  hostgroups 

Assign specified hostgroups to a Monarch Group.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group to which hostgroups should be assigned
hostgroupsreference to an array of hostgroup names to be assigned to the Monarch Group
status: true if assign_monarch_group_hostgroups completely succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean dassmonarch::assign_monarch_group_hosts ( string  monarch_group,
arrayref  hosts 

Assign specified hosts to a Monarch Group.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group to which hosts should be directly assigned
hostsreference to an array of hostnames to be assigned to the Monarch Group
status: true if assign_monarch_group_hosts completely succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean dassmonarch::assign_monarch_group_subgroups ( string  monarch_group,
arrayref  subgroups 

Assign specified subgroups to a Monarch Group.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group to which subgroups should be assigned
subgroupsreference to an array of Monarch Group names to be assigned as subgroups of the Monarch Group
status: true if assign_monarch_group_subgroups completely succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean dassmonarch::assign_service_to_serviceprofile ( string  servicename,
string  serviceprofilename,
string  apply,
boolean  replace 

Assign a service to a serviceprofile, and apply that serviceprofile to all hosts to which it is already assigned.

servicenamename of the generic service to assign to the serviceprofile
serviceprofilenamename of the serviceprofile to which the service should be assigned, and which may be re-applied to all hosts to which this serviceprofile is already assigned, depending on the setting of the apply parameter
applyfalse (default, if not provided), if the serviceprofile should not be apply to any hosts; 'apply-if-new', if the serviceprofile should be applied to existing hosts that already have the serviceprofile assigned, but only if the named service was not already part of the serviceprofile; 'apply', if the serviceprofile should be applied to existing hosts that already have the serviceprofile assigned, whether or not the named service was already part of the serviceprofile
replaceBoolean flag. True, if (when applying the service profile to hosts) all existing services on hosts that already have the named serviceprofile assigned should be replaced by just the services in the one specified serviceprofile. False (default, if not provided) if services from the serviceprofile should be merged into those already attached to such hosts.
status: true, if operation was successful; otherwise, false (0) if a logical error occurred (e.g., the named serviceprofile does not exist), undef if a database error occurred
boolean dassmonarch::assign_servicegroup ( string  host,
string  service,
string  servicegroup 

Assign a specific host's service to a servicegroup.

hostname of the host on which the service to be included in the servicegroup resides
servicename of the host's service
servicegroupname of the servicegroup which the host service will now be a member of
status: true if successful (if service is already a group member, too); false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::build_instance ( string  monarch_group)

Build the configuration for a given Monarch Group, in the directory configured in the group's details, and call the Monarch Deploy code to push the updated configuration to the child server.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group to build
status: true if build and deploy succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean dassmonarch::buildAllExternals ( boolean  force)

Build externals for all hosts.

forceboolean flag; true means force regeneration even if there is no significant change in content
status: true if build_all_externals succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean dassmonarch::buildSomeExternals ( arrayref  hostsref,
boolean  force 

Build externals for a set of hosts.

hostsrefreference to an array of hostnames, to build externals only for particular hosts; undefined, to build externals for all hosts
forceboolean flag; true means force regeneration even if there is no significant change in content
status: true if build_some_externals succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean dassmonarch::clone_host ( string  src_host,
string  dest_host,
string  dest_alias,
string  dest_address 

Clone a host.

src_hostname of the host to be cloned
dest_hostname of the resulting host
dest_aliasalias for the resulting host
dest_addressaddress of the resulting host
status: true if successful, false otherwise
int dassmonarch::clone_hostprofile ( string  source_hostprofile,
string  target_hostprofile 

Clone a hostprofile.

source_hostprofilename of the hostprofile to clone
target_hostprofilename of the new cloned hostprofile
hostprofile_id: > 0 if cloning was successful; otherwise, 0 if logical problems were found, undef if a database error occurred
boolean dassmonarch::clone_service ( string  src_service,
string  dest_service 

Clone a generic service.

src_servicename of the service to be cloned
dest_servicename of the resulting service
status: true if successful, false otherwise
int dassmonarch::clone_service_template ( string  source_servicetemplate,
string  target_servicetemplate 

Clone a servicetemplate.

source_servicetemplatename of the servicetemplate to clone
target_servicetemplatename of the new cloned servicetemplate
servicetemplate_id: > 0 if cloning was successful; otherwise, 0 if logical problems found, undef if a database error occurred
int dassmonarch::create_contact ( string  contact_name,
string  contact_alias,
string  contact_email,
string  contact_template,
string  contact_pager 

Create a contact using a template.

contact_namename of the new contact
contact_aliasalias for the new contact
contact_emailthe new contact's email address
contact_templatename of the contact template to assign to the new contact
contact_pagerthe new contact's pager number
contact_id: > 0, if a contact was created; otherwise, 0 if a logical error occurred (e.g., the name already exists), undef if a database error occurred
int dassmonarch::create_contactgroup ( string  contactgroup_name,
string  contactgroup_alias 

Create an empty contactgroup.

contactgroup_namename of the new contactgroup
contactgroup_aliasalias for the new contactgroup
contactgroup_id: > 0, if a contactgroup was created; otherwise, 0 if a logical error occurred (e.g., the name already exists), undef if a database error occurred
boolean dassmonarch::create_extended_host_info_template ( string  template_name,
string  notes,
string  notes_url,
string  action_url,
string  icon_image,
string  icon_image_alt,
string  statusmap_image,
string  vrml_image 

Create an extended host info template. Use empty strings, if particular fields should not be defined.

template_namename for the new extended host info template
notesadditional notes
notes_urlURL for additional notes
action_urlURL for action to display
icon_imageicon filename for this extended host info template
icon_image_altalternative text for icon
statusmap_imagefilename for the icon to be displayed on the Nagios status map
vrml_imageicon filename for 3D VRML map
status: true if successful, false otherwise
int dassmonarch::create_external ( string  external_name,
string  description,
string  type,
string  content 

Create a new free external.

external_nameName of the external.
descriptionBrief comment about the external.
typeType of the external ("host" or "service").
contentContent of the external.
external_id: > 0, if definition was successful; 0 otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::create_hostgroup ( string  hostgroupname,
string  alias 

Create a new hostgroup.

hostgroupnamename for the new hostgroup
aliasalias for the new hostgroup
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::create_servicegroup ( string  servicegroupname,
string  alias,
string  service_escalation,
string  notes 

Create a new servicegroup.

servicegroupnamename of the new servicegroup
aliasalias for the new servicegroup
service_escalation(optional) name of the service escalation tree for the new servicegroup
notes(optional) notes about the new servicegroup
status: true if successful, false otherwise
int dassmonarch::create_serviceprofile ( string  serviceprofilename,
string  serviceprofile_description 

Create an empty serviceprofile.

serviceprofilenamename of the new profile
serviceprofile_descriptionshort text description of the new profile
serviceprofile_id: > 0, if a serviceprofile was created; otherwise, 0 if a logical error occurred (e.g., the name already exists), undef if a database error occurred
string dassmonarch::dassmonarch_version ( void  )

Get the dassmonarch version found by the constructor.

Full dassmonarch version as a string.
vstring dassmonarch::dassmonarch_vstring ( void  )

Get the dassmonarch version Perl vstring manufactured by the constructor.

dassmonarch version as a Perl vstring.
void dassmonarch::debug ( string  msglevel,
string  message 

Print a debug message to stderr, if it reaches current debuglevel.

msglevelone of 'error', 'warning', 'info', or 'verbose'
messagethe debug message; will be printed out if msglevel is above the general debuglevel
boolean dassmonarch::delete_contact ( string  contact_name)

Delete a contact from the monarch database.

contact_namename of the contact to be deleted
status: true if successful; false if the specified contact does not exist or if a database operation has failed.
boolean dassmonarch::delete_contactgroup ( string  contactgroup_name)

Delete a contactgroup from the monarch database.

contactgroup_namename of the contactgroup to be deleted
status: true if successful; false if the specified contactgroup does not exist or if a database operation has failed.
boolean dassmonarch::delete_external ( string  external_name)

Delete a free external and all associated applied externals.

external_nameName of the external to delete.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::delete_host ( string  hostname)

Delete a host from the monarch database.

hostnamename of the host to be deleted
status: true if successful; false if the specified host does not exist or if a database operation has failed
boolean dassmonarch::delete_host_ext_info_template ( string  templatename)

Delete a host extended info template from the monarch database.

templatenamename of the host extended info template to be deleted
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::delete_host_ext_info_template_list ( string  templatename_prefix)

Delete from the monarch database all host extended info templates whose name begins with a given prefix.

templatename_prefixhost extended info template name prefix to search for
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::delete_hostgroup ( string  hostgroupname)

Delete a hostgroup from the monarch database.

hostgroupnamename of the hostgroup to be deleted
status: true if successful; false if the specified hostgroup does not exist or if a database operation has failed
boolean dassmonarch::delete_hostgroup_members ( string  hostgroupname)

Delete all the members (hosts) from a hostgroup. Use of this routine is strongly recommended instead of deleting and re-creating the hostgroup itself if you just need to change its membership.

hostgroupnamename of the hostgroup from which all member hosts are to be deleted
status: true if successful; false if the specified hostgroup does not exist or if a database operation has failed.
boolean dassmonarch::delete_hostprofile ( string  hostprofilename)

Delete a hostprofile from the monarch database.

hostprofilenamename of the hostprofile to be deleted
status: true if successful; false if the specified hostprofile does not exist or if a database operation has failed.
boolean dassmonarch::delete_hosts ( string  searchstring)

Delete a bunch of hosts.

searchstringall hosts whose names include this substring will be deleted
status: true if successful; false if no hosts with searchstring are found or if one delete action fails
boolean dassmonarch::delete_service ( string  servicename)

Delete a generic service from the monarch database, along with all of the host services with the same name.

servicenamename of the generic service to be deleted
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::delete_services ( string  searchstring)

Delete a bunch of generic services, and along with them, all the host services with the same servicenames.

searchstringall generic services whose names include this substring will be deleted
status: true if successful; false if no services with searchstring are found or if delete action fails
void dassmonarch::DESTROY ( void  )

Destructor, closes database connection to monarch. Will be called automatically by interpreter, when object goes out of scope or program ends.

boolean dassmonarch::disable_active_host_checks ( string  hostname)

Disable active hostchecks for a particular host.

hostnamename of the host to deactivate hostchecks for
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::disable_active_service_check_on_hostgroup ( string  hostgroup,
string  servicename 

Disable active checks for a particular service check on all hosts of a given hostgroup.

hostgroupname of the hostgroup containing the hosts on which the named service may reside
servicenamename of the service on those hosts whose active service checks should be disabled
status: true if successful, false if one of the operations fails. Will be also false if the service does not exist for one of the hosts in hostgroup.
boolean dassmonarch::disable_active_service_checks ( string  hostname,
string  servicename 

Disable Checks for a particular service on a dedicated host.

hostnamename of the host on which the the service resides
servicenamename of the service whose active checks are to be disabled
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::disable_all_active_service_checks_on_host ( string  hostname)

Disable all active service checks on a host.

hostnamename of the host whose active service checks should be disabled
status: true if operation successful for all services on host, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::disable_all_active_service_checks_on_hostgroup ( string  hostgroup)

Disable active checks for all service check on all hosts of a given hostgroup.

hostgroupname of the hostgroup containing the hosts on which all active service checks should be disabled
status: true if successful, false if one of the operations fails. Will be also false if the service does not exist for one of the hosts in hostgroup.
boolean dassmonarch::disable_all_notifications_on_host ( string  hostname)

Disable all host-check and service-check notifications on a specified host.

hostnamename of the host on which notifications are to be disabled
status: true if the operation was successful for the host check and all service checks on the host, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::disable_all_obsess_service_checks_on_host ( string  hostname)

Disable obsessing for all service checks on a host.

hostnamename of the host whose service checks should not be obsessed over
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::disable_all_obsess_service_checks_on_hostgroup ( string  hostgroup)

Disable obsessing for all service checks on all hosts in a hostgroup.

hostgroupname of the hostgroup containing the hosts on which service checks should not be obsessed over
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::disable_host_notifications ( string  hostname)

Disable notification for host checks for a particular host.

hostnamename of the host for which notifications should be disabled
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::disable_host_service_freshness_checks ( string  hostname,
string  servicename 

Disable Checks for a particular service on a dedicated host.

hostnamename of the host on which the service resides
servicenamename of the service for which freshness checks should be disabled
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::disable_host_service_notifications ( string  hostname,
string  servicename 

Disable notifications for a particular service on a dedicated host.

hostnamename of the host on which the service resides
servicenamename of the service for which notifications should be disabled
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::disable_obsess_host_checks ( string  hostname)

Disable obsessing of host checks for a particular host.

hostnamename of the host for which obsessing should be deactivated
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::disable_obsess_service_check_on_hostgroup ( string  hostgroup,
string  servicename 

Disable obsessing for a particular service check on all hosts of a given hostgroup.

hostgroupname of the hostgroup containing the hosts on which the named service may reside
servicenamename of the service on those hosts whose service checks should not be obsessed over
status: true if successful, false if one of the operations fails. Will be also false if the service does not exist for one of the hosts in hostgroup.
boolean dassmonarch::disable_obsess_service_checks ( string  hostname,
string  servicename 

Disable obsessing for a particular service check.

hostnamename of the host on which the the service resides
servicenamename of the service whose service checks should not be obsessed over
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_active_host_checks ( string  hostname)

Activate host checks.

hostnamename of the host to activate hostchecks for
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_active_service_check_on_hostgroup ( string  hostgroup,
string  servicename 

Enable active checks for a particular service check on all hosts of a given hostgroup.

hostgroupname of the hostgroup containing the hosts on which the named service may reside
servicenamename of the service on those hosts whose active service checks should be enabled
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_active_service_checks ( string  hostname,
string  servicename 

Activate checks for a dedicated service on a particular host.

hostnamename of the host on which the the service resides
servicenamename of the service whose active checks are to be enabled
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_all_active_service_checks_on_host ( string  hostname)

Enable all active service checks on a given host.

hostnamename of the host whose active service checks should be enabled
status: true if all operations are successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_all_active_service_checks_on_hostgroup ( string  hostgroup)

Enable active checks for all services on all hosts of a given hostgroup.

hostgroupname of the hostgroup containing the hosts on which all active service checks should be enabled
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_all_notifications_on_host ( string  hostname)

Enable all host-check and service-check notifications on a specified host.

hostnamename of the host on which notifications are to be enabled
status: true if the operation was successful for the host check and all service checks on the host, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_all_obsess_service_checks_on_host ( string  hostname)

Enable obsessing for all service checks on a host.

hostnamename of the host whose service checks should be obsessed over
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_all_obsess_service_checks_on_hostgroup ( string  hostgroup)

Enable obsessing for all service checks on all hosts in a hostgroup.

hostgroupname of the hostgroup containing the hosts on which service checks should be obsessed over
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_host_notifications ( string  hostname)

Disable notification for host checks for a particular host.

hostnamename of the host for which notifications should be enabled
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_host_service_freshness_checks ( string  hostname,
string  servicename 

Activate checks for a dedicated service on a particular host.

hostnamename of the host on which the service resides
servicenamename of the service for which freshness checks should be enabled
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_host_service_notifications ( string  hostname,
string  servicename 

Disable notifications for a particular service on a dedicated host.

hostnamename of the host on which the service resides
servicenamename of the service for which notifications should be enabled
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_obsess_host_checks ( string  hostname)

Enable obsessing of host checks for a particular host.

hostnamename of the host for which obsessing should be activated
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_obsess_service_check_on_hostgroup ( string  hostgroup,
string  servicename 

Enable obsessing for a particular service check on all hosts of a given hostgroup.

hostgroupname of the hostgroup containing the hosts on which the named service may reside
servicenamename of the service on those hosts whose service checks should be obsessed over
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::enable_obsess_service_checks ( string  hostname,
string  servicename 

Enable obsessing for a particular service check.

hostnamename of the host on which the the service resides
servicenamename of the service whose service checks should be obsessed over
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::generateAndCommit ( string  annotation,
boolean  lock 

Perform a pre-flight check, do a commit, and create a backup if the Nagios part of the commit succeeds.

annotationnotes on what is motivating this Commit; used to describe the associated automatic backup
lockboolean flag; true means make the automatic backup immune from automated deletion
status: true if commit succeeds, false otherwise.
arrayref or array dassmonarch::get_all_service_dependencies ( void  )

Get all service dependencies as a hash.

service_dependencies: in list context, an array of quadruples. Each quadruple consists of hostname, servicename, depending host, depending service. IN scalar context, an arrayref for the quadrupples.
int dassmonarch::get_command_id ( string  commandname)

Find the command_id for a named command.

commandnamename of the command to search for
command_id: > 0 if the command exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
int dassmonarch::get_contact_id ( string  contact_name)

Find the contact_id for a named contact.

contact_namename of the contact to search for
contact_id from table contacts, > 0 if the contact exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
int dassmonarch::get_contact_template_id ( string  contacttemplatename)

Find the contacttemplate_id for a named contact template.

contacttemplatenamename of the contact template to search for
contacttemplate_id from table contact_templates, > 0 if the contact template exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
arrayref or array dassmonarch::get_contactgroup_contacts ( string  contactgroup_name)

Get a list of the contacts assigned to a certain contactgroup.

contactgroup_namename of the contactgroup to search for
contactnames: In list context, a list of contact names, or an empty list of the contactgroup does not exist, it has no associated contacts, or an error occurs (the latter case being indistinguishable from the logical conditions that can generate an empty list, so this mode of calling is not robust). In scalar context, an arrayref for the list of contact names (which will be legitimately empty if the contactgroup does not exist or it has no associated contactgroups), or undef if an error occurs, which makes it easy to distinguish an error condition.
int dassmonarch::get_contactgroup_id ( string  contactgroup_name)

Find the contactgroup_id for a named contactgroup.

contactgroup_namename of the contactgroup to search for
contactgroup_id from table contactgroups, > 0 if the contact group exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
string dassmonarch::get_contactgroup_name ( int  contactgroup_id)

Get the contactgroup name for a given ID.

contactgroup_idID of the contactgroup to search for
contactgroup_name: the found contactgroup name if the contact group exists; otherwise, an empty string if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
int dassmonarch::get_debuglevel ( void  )

Get the dassmonarch logging debug level as an integer.

debuglevel: the current logging level of the dassmonarch package
string dassmonarch::get_debugmessages ( void  )

Get all debug messages generated since instantiation.

debugmsg containing all debug messages
string dassmonarch::get_errormessages ( void  )

Get all error messages generated since instantiation.

errormsg containing all error messages
int dassmonarch::get_escalation_tree_id ( string  escalationtreename,
string  type 

Find the escalation tree ID of a given escalation tree name.

escalationtreenamename of the escalation tree to search for
typeescalation type to search for, one of 'host' or 'service'
tree_id from table escalation_trees, > 0 if the named escalation tree exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
int dassmonarch::get_extended_host_information_template_id ( param  extended_host_information_template)

Find the database ID of a given extended host information template.

extended_host_information_templatename of the extended host info template to search for
hostextinfo_id from table extended_host_info_templates, > 0 if the extended host info template exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
hashref dassmonarch::get_external ( string  external_name)

Find details of a free external, given an external name.

external_nameName of the external to search for.
hashref pointing to details if external exists; false otherwise (reference to empty hash if external does not exist, undefined if search failed)
int dassmonarch::get_externalid ( string  external_name)

Find external ID, given an external name.

external_nameName of the external to search for.
external_id: > 0 if external exists; false otherwise (0 if external does not exist, undefined if search failed)
string dassmonarch::get_externalname ( int  external_id)

Find external name, given an external ID.

external_idID of the external to search for.
name of external if external exists; otherwise, undefined
string dassmonarch::get_genericservicename ( int  servicename_id)

Get the service name for a given generic service name ID.

servicename_idID of the generic service to search for
service_name: the found servicename; otherwise, undefined (false).
string dassmonarch::get_host_address ( string  hostname)

Find the address of a given host.

hostnamename of the host to search for
address: the found host address if the host exists; otherwise, an empty string if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
hashref dassmonarch::get_host_external ( string  host_name,
string  external_name 

Find details of an applied host external.

host_nameName of the host to which the external was applied.
external_nameName of the external to search for.
hashref pointing to details, if external exists; reference to empty hash, if the applied host external does not exist; undefined, if search failed
array dassmonarch::get_host_parent ( string  hostname)

Get parents, if any, of a named host.

hostnamename of the host whose parents to deliver
parent_names false otherwise
int dassmonarch::get_host_serviceid ( string  hostname,
string  servicename 

Get the database ID of a host / service entry in monarch table services.

hostnamename of the host to search for
servicenamename of the host service to search for
service_id from table services, > 0 if the host service exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
int dassmonarch::get_host_template_id ( string  host_template)

Search for a hosttemplate_id in monarch table host_templates.

host_templatename of the hosttemplate to search for
hosttemplate_id: > 0 if the host template exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
string dassmonarch::get_host_template_name ( int  hosttemplate_id)

Get hosttemplatename for a given ID.

hosttemplate_idID of the hosttemplate to search for
hosttemplatename: the found hosttemplate name if the host template exists; otherwise, an empty string if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
arrayref or array dassmonarch::get_hostgroup_contactgroups ( string  hostgroup_name)

Get a list of the contactgroups assigned to a certain hostgroup.

hostgroup_namename of the hostgroup to search for
contactgroup_names: In list context, a list of contactgroup names, or an empty list if the hostgroup does not exist, it has no associated contactgroups, or an error occurs (the latter case being indistinguishable from the logical conditions that can generate an empty list, so this mode of calling is not robust). In scalar context, an arrayref for the list of contactgroup names (which will be legitimately empty if the hostgroup does not exist or it has no associated contactgroups), or undef if an error occurs, which makes it easy to distinguish an error condition.
int dassmonarch::get_hostgroupid ( string  hostgroupname)

Find the hostgroup_id for a named hostgroup.

hostgroupnamename of the hostgroup to search for
hostgroup_id from table hostgroups, > 0 if the hostgroup exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
arrayref or array dassmonarch::get_hostgroups_for_host ( string  hostname)

Retrieve a list of all hostgroups containing a given host.

hostnamename of the host for which hostgroup membership is desired
hostgroups in list context, an array of names of hostgroups containing this host
int dassmonarch::get_hostid ( string  hostname)

Find the host_id for a named host.

hostnamename of the host to search for
host_id from table hosts, > 0 if the host exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
array dassmonarch::get_hostlist ( void  )

Get a list of all hostnames.

hostnames: array of hostnames, or an empty list if an error occurs
string dassmonarch::get_hostname ( int  host_id)

Get the hostname for a given ID.

host_idID of the host to search for
hostname: the found hostname; otherwise, undefined (either host not found, or database error)
int dassmonarch::get_hostprofileid ( string  hostprofilename)

Find the hostprofile_id for a named hostprofile.

hostprofilenamename of the host profile to search for
hostprofile_id: > 0 if the host profile exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
string dassmonarch::get_hostprofilename ( int  hostprofile_id)

Find the hostprofile name for a given hostprofile ID.

hostprofile_idID of the host profile to search for
name of hostprofile if hostprofile exists; otherwise, undefined
arrayref or array dassmonarch::get_hosts_in_hostgroup ( string  hostgroup)

Retrieve a list of all hosts in a given hostgroup.

hostgroupname of the hostgroup to search for
hostnames: in list context, a list of hostnames; an empty list if the hostgroup does not exist or has no host members
arrayref dassmonarch::get_hosts_with_address ( string  address)

Get the names of hosts that have a given IP address.

addressIP address to search for
hostnames: arrayref pointing to a list of matching hostnames, or undef if a database error occurred
arrayref or array dassmonarch::get_hosts_with_serviceprofile ( string  serviceprofilename)

Get hosts that have a certain serviceprofile assigned.

serviceprofilenamename of the serviceprofile whose associated hostnames are to be retrieved
hostids: in list context, an array of host_id values for the hosts which have the specified serviceprofile assigned, or an empty list if the search failed (e.g., due to database error); in scalar context, an arrayref to such a list, or undef if the search failed
hashref dassmonarch::get_hostservice_external ( string  host_name,
string  service_name,
string  external_name 

Find details of an applied service external.

host_nameName of the host on which the service resides.
service_nameName of the service to which the external was applied.
external_nameName of the external to search for.
hashref pointing to details, if external exists; reference to empty hash, if the applied service external does not exist; undefined, if search failed
arrayref or array dassmonarch::get_hostservice_list ( string  hostname)

Retrieve a list of all services on a host.

hostnamename of the host to get the services from
servicenames: in list context, a list of the names of services attached to this host; an empty list if the host does not exist or has no services attached
arrayref dassmonarch::get_monarch_group_hostgroups ( string  monarch_group)

Tell which hostgroups are assigned to a Monarch Group.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group whose assigned hostgroups are to be retrieved
arrayref (names of assigned hostgroups) upon success, undef otherwise.
arrayref dassmonarch::get_monarch_group_hosts ( string  monarch_group)

Tell which hosts are directly assigned to a Monarch Group.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group whose directly-assigned hosts are to be retrieved
arrayref (names of assigned hosts) upon success, undef otherwise.
hashref dassmonarch::get_monarch_group_orphans ( void  )

Find all hosts not assigned directly or indirectly to any Monarch Group.

hashref with keys being the names of hosts not belonging to any Monarch Group, and values being true; or undef, on failure
arrayref dassmonarch::get_monarch_group_subgroups ( string  monarch_group)

Tell which Monarch Groups are assigned as subgroups of a Monarch Group.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group whose Monarch Group subgroups are to be retrieved
arrayref (names of assigned subgroups) upon success, undef otherwise.
string dassmonarch::get_monarchgroup_location ( string  monarch_group)

Get the buildpath for a Monarch Group.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group to get the path for
location: the path where the config files should be built; an empty string, if not set; undef if a database error occurred
arrayref or array dassmonarch::get_service_contactgroups ( string  servicename)

Get a list of the contactgroups directly assigned to a certain generic service; this does not include contactgroups indirectly assigned to the generic service via service template inheritance.

servicenamename of the generic service to search for
contactgroup_names: In list context, a list of contactgroup names, or an empty list if the generic service does not exist, it has no directly associated contactgroups, or an error occurs (the latter case being indistinguishable from the logical conditions that can generate an empty list, so this mode of calling is not robust). In scalar context, an arrayref for the list of contactgroup names (which will be legitimately empty if the generic service does not exist or it has no directly associated contactgroups), or undef if an error occurs, which makes it easy to distinguish an error condition.
arrayref or array dassmonarch::get_service_hostlist ( string  servicename)

Retrieve a list of all hosts having a particular service assigned.

servicenamename of the service to search for on hosts
hostnames: in list context, an array of hostnames, or an empty list if an error occurs (which is indistinguishable from having no associated hosts, so this mode of calling is not robust); in scalar context, an arrayref for the list of hostnames (which might be legitimately empty), or 0 if there was no service of that name, or undef if an error occurs, which makes it easy to distinguish an error condition
int dassmonarch::get_service_template_id ( string  service_template)

Search for a servicetemplate_id in monarch table service_templates.

service_templatename of the servicetemplate to search for
servicetemplate_id: > 0 if the service template exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
int dassmonarch::get_serviceid ( string  servicename)

Find the servicename_id for a named generic service.

servicenamename of the generic service to search for
servicename_id from table service_names, > 0 if the service exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
string dassmonarch::get_servicename ( int  service_id)

Get the service name for a given hostservice ID.

service_idID of the host service to search for
servicename: the found service name; otherwise, undefined
arrayref or array dassmonarch::get_serviceprofile_services ( string  serviceprofilename)

Get names of generic services assigned to a serviceprofile.

serviceprofilenamename of the serviceprofile whose assigned service names are to be retrieved
servicenames: in list context, an array of services assigned to the specified serviceprofile, or an empty list if the search failed (e.g., due to database error); in scalar context, an arrayref to such a list, or undef if the search failed
int dassmonarch::get_serviceprofileid ( string  serviceprofilename)

Find the serviceprofile_id for a named serviceprofile.

serviceprofilenamename of the service profile to look for
serviceprofile_id: > 0 if the service profile exists; otherwise, 0 if the search succeeded (but found nothing), undef if the search failed (e.g., due to database error)
string dassmonarch::get_serviceprofilename ( int  serviceprofile_id)

Find the serviceprofile name for a given serviceprofile ID.

serviceprofile_idID of the service profile to search for
profile name, false (0) otherwise
boolean or hash dassmonarch::host_exists ( string  hostname)

Find out if a hostname exists.

hostnamename of the host to search for
status: in scalar context, true if the host exists, false if the host does not exist, or undef if an error occurs, which makes it easy to distinguish an error condition; in list context, a hash of the host properties, or an empty list if an error occurs (which is indistinguishable from having no such host, so this mode of calling is not robust)
boolean or hash dassmonarch::host_extinfo_template_exists ( string  templatename)

Find out if a given host extended info template already exists.

templatenamename of the host extended info template to search for
status: in scalar context, true if the template exists, false if the template does not exist, or undef if an error occurs, which makes it easy to distinguish an error condition; in list context, a hash of the template properties, or an empty list if an error occurs (which is indistinguishable from having no such template, so this mode of calling is not robust)
boolean or hash dassmonarch::hostgroup_exists ( string  hostgroupname)

Find out if a hostgroup exists.

hostgroupnamename of the hostgroup to search for
status: in scalar context, true if the hostgroup exists, false if the hostgroup does not exist, or undef if an error occurs, which makes it easy to distinguish an error condition; in list context, a hash of the hostgroup properties, or an empty list if an error occurs (which is indistinguishable from having no such hostgroup, so this mode of calling is not robust)
boolean dassmonarch::import_host ( string  hostname,
string  alias,
string  address,
string  profile_name,
boolean  update 

Import or update a host and apply profiles. This routine performs only a shallow application of the host profile; likely, you want import_host_api() instead. If updates are disabled and you try to import an already-existing host, nothing will be changed and an error is returned. If update is allowed, all settings of an existing host will be overwritten by this import. If the host does not exist yet, it will be created with these settings, regardless of the update flag.

hostnamename of the host to be imported
aliasthe host's alias
addressthe host's IP address
profile_namename of the hostprofile to assign to the host
update(optional) set to 1 (true), if updates to an existing host are allowed
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::import_host_api ( string  hostname,
string  alias,
string  address,
string  profile_name,
boolean  update 

Import or update a host and apply profiles using the MonarchAPI version of import_host. This routine performs a deep application of the host profile. If updates are disabled and you try to import an already-existing host, nothing will be changed and an error is returned. If update is allowed, all settings of an existing host will be overwritten by this import. If the host does not exist yet, it will be created with these settings, regardless of the update flag.

hostnamename of the host to be imported
aliasthe host's alias
addressthe host's IP address
profile_namename of the hostprofile to assign to the host
update(optional) set to 1 (true), if updates to an existing host are allowed
status: true if successful, false otherwise
arrayref dassmonarch::list_externals ( string  type)

List all free externals of a given type (host or service).

typeType of the external to search for ("host" or "service").
arrayref external_names pointing to list of names, if search was successful; undefined, if search failed
arrayref dassmonarch::list_host_externals ( string  host_name)

List all externals assigned to a specified host.

host_nameName of the host.
arrayref external_names pointing to list of names, if search was successful; undefined, if search failed
arrayref dassmonarch::list_hostprofile_externals ( string  hostprofile_name)

List all externals assigned to a specified host profile.

hostprofile_nameName of the host profile.
arrayref external_names pointing to list of names, if search was successful; undefined, if search failed
arrayref dassmonarch::list_hostprofiles_with_external ( string  external_name)

List all host profiles with a specified external assigned.

external_nameName of the external to search for.
arrayref hostprofile_names pointing to list of names, if search was successful; undefined, if search failed
arrayref dassmonarch::list_hosts_with_external ( string  external_name)

List all hosts with a specified external assigned.

external_nameName of the host external to search for.
arrayref host_names pointing to list of names, if search was successful; undefined, if search failed
arrayref dassmonarch::list_hostservice_externals ( string  host_name,
string  service_name 

List all externals assigned to a specified host service.

host_nameName of the host on which the service resides.
service_nameName of the service.
arrayref external_names pointing to list of names, if search was successful; undefined, if search failed
arrayref dassmonarch::list_hostservices_with_external ( string  external_name)

List all host services with a specified external assigned.

external_nameName of the external to search for.
hashref hostservices pointing to hash of arrayrefs (host name keys with service name arrayref values), if search was successful; undefined, if search failed
arrayref dassmonarch::list_service_externals ( string  service_name)

List all externals assigned to a specified generic service.

service_nameName of the service.
arrayref external_names pointing to list of names, if search was successful; undefined, if search failed
arrayref dassmonarch::list_services_with_external ( string  external_name)

List all generic services with a specified external assigned.

external_nameName of the external to search for.
arrayref service_names pointing to list of names, if search was successful; undefined, if search failed
boolean dassmonarch::modify_external ( string  external_name,
string  description,
string  content 

Modify a free external.

external_nameName of the external to modify.
descriptionReplacement comment for the external. Undefined means leave this field as-is.
contentReplacement content of the external. Undefined means leave this field as-is.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::modify_host_external ( string  host_name,
string  external_name,
string  content,
boolean  modified 

Modify a host external on a host. Overwrite existing external content and metadata.

host_nameName of the host on which the external is to be modified.
external_nameName of the host external to be modified.
contentReplacement content of the external. Undefined means leave this field as-is.
modifiedTrue, if the updated external is to be marked as a custom copy. False, if the updated external is to be marked as an unmodified copy. Undefined means leave this field as-is.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::modify_hostservice_external ( string  host_name,
string  service_name,
string  external_name,
string  content,
boolean  modified 

Modify a service external on a host service. Overwrite existing external content and metadata.

host_nameName of the host on which the service resides.
service_nameName of the host service on which the external is to be modified.
external_nameName of the host external to be modified.
contentReplacement content of the external. Undefined means leave this field as-is.
modifiedTrue, if the updated external is to be marked as a custom copy. False, if the updated external is to be marked as an unmodified copy. Undefined means leave this field as-is.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean or hash dassmonarch::monarch_group_exists ( string  monarch_group)

Find out if a given Monarch Group already exists.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group to search for
status: in scalar context, true if the Monarch Group exists, false if the Monarch Group does not exist, or undef if an error occurs, which makes it easy to distinguish an error condition; in list context, a hash of the Monarch Group properties, or an empty list if an error occurs (which is indistinguishable from having no such Monarch Group, so this mode of calling is not robust)
string dassmonarch::monarch_version ( void  )

Get the Monarch version found by the constructor.

Full Monarch version as a string.
vstring dassmonarch::monarch_vstring ( void  )

Get the Monarch version Perl vstring manufactured by the constructor.

Monarch version as a Perl vstring.
string dassmonarch::nagios_version ( void  )

Get the nagios version used in constructor.

Nagios major version.
object dassmonarch::new ( void  )
the new object, or die trying (meaning, you'd better encapsulate your call inside eval{};)
boolean dassmonarch::pre_flight_check ( string  monarch_group)

Perform a Nagios pre-flight check.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group to check; undefined, to run pre-flight for the Main Configuration instead
status: true if the preflight check succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean dassmonarch::propagate_external ( string  external_name,
boolean  replace 

Propagate a free external to associated applied externals.

external_nameName of the external to propagate.
replaceBoolean flag; whether to update (true) or ignore (false) applied externals with their "modified" flag set.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::remove_contactgroup_from_servicename ( string  contactgroup_name,
string  servicename 

Remove a contactgroup from a servicename.

contactgroup_namename of the contactgroup to remove
servicenamename of the generic service from which the contactgroup is to be removed
status: true, if operation was successful; false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::remove_external_from_host ( string  host_name,
string  external_name 

Remove a host external from a host.

host_nameName of the host.
external_nameName of the host external.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::remove_external_from_hostprofile ( string  hostprofile_name,
string  external_name 

Remove a host external from a host profile.

hostprofile_nameName of the host profile.
external_nameName of the host external.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::remove_external_from_hostservice ( string  host_name,
string  service_name,
string  external_name 

Removes a service external from a host service.

host_nameName of the host.
service_nameName of the host service from which the external is to be removed.
external_nameName of the service external.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::remove_external_from_service ( string  service_name,
string  external_name 

Remove a service external from a generic service.

service_nameName of the service.
external_nameName of the service external.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::remove_host_from_hostgroup ( string  hostname,
string  hostgroup 

Remove one host from a hostgroup.

hostnamename of the host to be removed from the hostgroup
hostgroupname of the hostgroup the host shall be removed from
status: true if operation successful, else false
boolean dassmonarch::remove_monarch_group_hostgroups ( string  monarch_group,
arrayref  hostgroups 

Remove specified hostgroups from a Monarch Group.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group from which hostgroups are to be removed
hostgroupsreference to an array of hostgroup names, or undef to remove all hostgroups
status: true if remove_monarch_group_hostgroups completely succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean dassmonarch::remove_monarch_group_hosts ( string  monarch_group,
arrayref  hosts 

Remove specified hosts from a Monarch Group.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group from which directly-assigned hosts are to be removed
hostsreference to an array of hostnames, or undef to remove all directly-assigned hosts
status: true if remove_monarch_group_hosts completely succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean dassmonarch::remove_monarch_group_subgroups ( string  monarch_group,
arrayref  subgroups 

Remove specified subgroups from a Monarch Group.

monarch_groupname of the Monarch Group from which Monarch Group subgroups are to be removed
subgroupsreference to an array of subgroup names, or undef to remove all subgroups
status: true if remove_monarch_group_subgroups completely succeeds, false otherwise.
boolean dassmonarch::remove_service ( string  hostname,
string  servicename 

Remove a service from a host.

hostnamename of the host from which the service will be removed
servicenamename of the service to be removed from the host
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::remove_serviceprofile_from_host ( string  hostname,
string  serviceprofilename 

Remove a directly-assigned service profile from a host. Will not affect services previously applied using that service profile.

hostnamename of the host from which the serviceprofile should be removed
serviceprofilenamename of the serviceprofile to remove from the host
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::rename_external ( string  old_external_name,
string  new_external_name 

Rename a free external.

old_external_nameOld name of the external.
new_external_nameNew name of the external.
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean or hash dassmonarch::search_service_by_prefix ( string  substring)

This routine is misnamed; we search for service names by substring (not just prefix), because with GroundWork > 5.2 substrings match instead of prefixes and a limit count has been appended to the search statement.

substringservices whose name contains this string will be returned
services: in list context, a hash of matching service names (with identical keys and values), or an empty list if an error occurs (which is indistinguishable from having no such services, so this mode of calling is not robust); in scalar context, true if some services match, false if no services match, or undef if an error occurs, which makes it easy to distinguish an error condition
boolean or hash dassmonarch::service_exists ( string  servicename)

Find out if a servicename exists.

servicenamename of the generic service to search for
status: in scalar context, true if the service exists, false if the service does not exist, or undef if an error occurs, which makes it easy to distinguish an error condition; in list context, a hash of the service properties, or an empty list if an error occurs (which is indistinguishable from having no such service, so this mode of calling is not robust)
boolean or hash dassmonarch::service_extinfo_template_exists ( string  templatename)

Find out if a given service extended info template already exists.

templatenamename of the service extended info template to search for
status: in scalar context, true if the template exists, false if the template does not exist, or undef if an error occurs, which makes it easy to distinguish an error condition; in list context, a hash of the template properties, or an empty list if an error occurs (which is indistinguishable from having no such template, so this mode of calling is not robust)
boolean or hash dassmonarch::servicegroup_exists ( string  servicegroupname)

Find out if a servicegroup exists.

servicegroupnamename of the servicegroup to search for
status: in scalar context, true if the servicegroup exists, false if the servicegroup does not exist, or undef if an error occurs, which makes it easy to distinguish an error condition; in list context, a hash of the servicegroup properties, or an empty list if an error occurs (which is indistinguishable from having no such servicegroup, so this mode of calling is not robust)
boolean dassmonarch::set_debuglevel ( string  newlevel)

Set a new dassmonarch logging debug level.

newlevelthe new debuglevel, one of 'error', 'warning', 'info', or 'verbose'
boolean dassmonarch::set_generic_service_command ( string  servicename,
string  commandname 

Set the command for a named generic service.

servicenamename of the generic service whose Nagios command should be set
commandnamename of the Nagios command that should be assigned to the generic service
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::set_generic_service_commandline ( string  servicename,
string  commandline 

Set the commandline for a named generic service.

servicenamename of the generic service whose commandline should be set
commandlinetext of the commandline to be run for the generic service
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::set_host_overrides_properties ( string  hostname,
hashref  propref 

Override host properties for a particular host.

hostnamename of the host whose properties are to be overridden
proprefreference to a hash which contains key-value pairs of properties to override inherited host template settings
status: true if setting works, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::set_host_service_freshness_threshold ( string  hostname,
string  servicename,
int  threshold 

Set the freshness threshold for a host service.

hostnamename of the host on which the service resides
servicenamename of the service for which the freshness threshold should be set
thresholdfreshness threshold in seconds
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::set_host_service_notification_interval ( string  hostname,
string  servicename,
int  interval 

Set the notification interval for a host service.

hostnamename of the host on which the service resides
servicenamename of the service for which the notification interval should be set
intervalnotification interval in seconds
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::set_parents ( string  hostname,
arrayref  parents 

Set parents of a host.

hostnamename of the host whose parents should be set
parentsreference to an array of parent-host names
status: true if all parents could be assigned, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::set_service_overrides_properties ( string  hostname,
string  servicename,
hashref  propref 

Override service properties for a particular service definition on a particular host.

hostnamename of the host on which the service whose properties are to be overridden resides
servicenamename of the service whose properties are to be overridden
proprefreference to a hash which contains key-value pairs of properties to override inherited service template settings
status: true if successful, false otherwise
boolean dassmonarch::update_or_insert_obj ( string  table,
string  searchcolumn,
string  searchvalue,
hashref  valref 

Update a database object, or create it if it does not yet exist. This method is intended for internal use within dassmonarch, and should not be used directly by applications.

tabletable to operate on
searchcolumncolumn to use for searching
searchvaluevalue to search for in searchcolumn
valrefhashreference for key/value pairs
status: true if successful, false otherwise

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