How to configure Status Grafana graphs



This page reviews how to configure Status Grafana graphs and how to  control the legend visibility.

Configuring Status Grafana graphs
  1. Legends and GroundWork event annotations in the Grafana graphs that are embedded in Status can be controlled using these properties in /usr/local/groundwork/config/
    • perf.monitoring.client.rendering.legends
    • perf.monitoring.client.rendering.annotations
  2. A restart of GroundWork is required after making any changes:
    /etc/init.d/groundwork restart
  3. By default, both legend and annotations are enabled. For example:

    Figure: Legends and Annotations
Controlling Legend Visibility

To control whether the legend is visible set the following to true or false.

  1. Edit the following file:
  2. Set the following to true or false:
  3. With perf.monitoring.client.rendering.legends = false, the legends is turned off and the graph looks like this:

    Figure: Legends turned off
Controlling Annotations Visibility

To control whether annotations are visible set the following to true or false.

  1. Edit the following file:
  2. Set the following to true or false:
  3. With perf.monitoring.client.rendering.annotations = false the annotations are turned off and the graph looks like this:

    Figure: Annotation turned off
For more advanced users

The embedded Grafana graphs are dynamically created using scripted dashboards. You can modify the code in /usr/local/groundwork/grafana/public/dashboards/gwdashgen.js to adjust the appearance of the generated graphs. Any changes made are immediately effective.


configure configure Delete
status status Delete
grafana grafana Delete
graphs graphs Delete
legend legend Delete
annotations annotations Delete
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