How to enable disable flap detection



Nagios supports optional detection of hosts and services that are flapping. Flapping occurs when a service or host changes state too frequently, resulting in a storm of problem and recovery notifications. Flapping can be indicative of configuration problems (i.e. thresholds set too low), troublesome services, or real network problems. Whenever Nagios checks the status of a host or service, it will check to see if it has started or stopped flapping.

It does this by storing the results of the last 21 checks of the host or service, analyzing the historical check results and determine where state changes/transitions occur, using the state transitions to determine a percent state change value (a measure of change) for the host or service, and comparing the percent state change value against low and high flapping thresholds. A host or service is determined to have started flapping when its percent state change first exceeds a high flapping threshold. A host or service is determined to have stopped flapping when its percent state goes below a low flapping threshold (assuming that is was previously flapping).

  1. In Status, to enable or disable flap detection for a host or service, first select the host or service from the Tree View navigation.
  2. Within the Actions portlet, click the Settings drop-down and select Enable flap detection or Disable flap detection for a host or service.
  3. Select Submit. The Nagios Monitoring Statistics table at the Entire Network, Host Group, and Service Group level views will be updated with the current flap detection status.

    Figure: Enabling / disabling flap detection for a host


status status Delete
flap flap Delete
detection detection Delete
enable enable Delete
disable disable Delete
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