How to list host and host group commands



This page reviews Configuration Reports for GroundWork Monitor including the options List commands which displays a convenient table with the selected host(s) and the host's commands, and List Hostgroups which enables you to list or export a list of all hostgroups with their associated hosts, host alias, and host addresses.

Using List Commands
  1. Go to Configuration>Configuration Reports>List Commands.
  2. Enter a host name, (you may use the "%" symbol as a wildcard).
  3. Enter a service name, (you may use the "%" symbol as a wildcard) to list the commands for a specific host service(s).
  4. Check the Get Externals box if you wish to include the host externals configuration data in the output table.
  5. Then, click List to view the output of up to 50 commands, or choose Export to export the list to a .csv file where you can review all commands in for example, MS Excel.

    Figure: List Commands
Using List Hostgroups
  1. Go to Configuration>Configuration Reports>List Hostgroups.
  2. Select List to view a list of all hostgroups, or choose Export to export the list to a .csv file where you can review all commands in for example, MS Excel.

    Figure: List Commands


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