How to import, export, share, generate Grafana dashboards



GroundWork Grafana dashboards can be exported, imported, and shared, and generated from GroundWork service profiles using the command line utility grafbrige-control.

For additional reference, see the Grafana Dashboard Related Operations section from grafbridge-control --help for details. This utility is located in /usr/local/groundwork/grafana/scripts. You can enter ./grafbridge-control --help to view the built-in manual page.

Exporting a dashboard to the GroundWork community

If you want to share a GroundWork Grafana dashboard with the community, follow these steps:

  1. Create the dashboard in GroundWork Grafana. In this example, we’ll assume the dashboard was saved as Sharing.
  2. Grafana stores dashboards internally using uid names which we use in the export operation. To get the uid name of your* Sharing* dashboard enter the following command:
    /usr/local/groundwork/grafana/scripts/grafbridge-control -list_dashboards
  3. Export the  Sharing  dashboard with the following command (using the uid name, e.g., kLOMT-7ik):
    /usr/local/groundwork/grafana/scripts/grafbridge-control -export_dashboard kLOMT-7ik
  4. In the current working directory there should be a Sharing.json file. This JSON file can be sent around for sharing, for example by emailing it to GroundWork at [email protected].
Importing a dashboard from the GroundWork community

If you want to import a GroundWork Grafana dashboard that was shared with you using the export process above, follow these steps:

  1. Download the dashboard JSON file. In this example, we’ll assume the file is /tmp/shared.json and the dashboard name is Shared.
  2. Import the dashboard using the following command:
    /usr/local/groundwork/grafana/scripts/grafbridge-control -import_dashboards /tmp/shared.json
  3. The imported dashboard should then be in the General folder in Grafana.
Generating dashboards from GroundWork service profiles

Dashboards can be automatically generated from GroundWork service profiles using the -generate_dashboards command. By default, each profile in /usr/local/groundwork/core/profiles is analyzed for services which have Performance Configuration Database matching entries (see Configuration > Performance in the GroundWork portal). Importing service profiles usually results in the addition of more Performance Configuration Database entries that can be matched against.

  1. To generate dashboards for GroundWork service profiles enter:
    /usr/local/groundwork/grafana/scripts/grafbridge-control -generate_dashboards
  2. Dashboard definition files are generated by default in /usr/local/groundwork/grafana/data/gwdashboards.
    These can then be imported all at once using:
    /usr/local/groundwork/grafana/scripts/grafbridge-control -import_dashboards

    or one at a time using:

    /usr/local/groundwork/grafana/scripts/grafbridge-control -import_dashboards </path/to/dashboard.json>
  3. The imported dashboards will then be available in GroundWork Grafana.


sharing sharing Delete
grafana grafana Delete
dashboards dashboards Delete
import import Delete
export export Delete
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