

This page covers how to add and configure the OpenStack connector using GroundWork Cloud Hub. The connection requires a unique set of parameters (e.g., endpoint, credentials). You will need your GroundWork server and virtual environment connector parameters handy.




1.0 Adding a New Connection

To access Cloud Hub, log in to GroundWork Monitor as an Administrator and select (1) GroundWork Administration > GroundWork Cloud Hub.

The initial Cloud Hub screen is used to (2) Add new, or Start, Stop, Modify, obtain Status for, or Delete configured connectors.

The Start option enables a configured connector to begin the discovery and data collection process. If you decide you do not want to monitor a particular region, simply select Stop for the corresponding connector, the connectors configuration will be maintained for a subsequent start. Modify opens the Configuration page with a link to the Metrics screen. Status provides connection status information including error details. If a configured connector fails to connect, a connector-specific service will be updated to a Warning state, or Critical if you run out of retries (hosts will still become Unreachable and services Unknown if retries are exhausted). To stop and completely Delete a connection, see How to delete hosts. To keep a Cloud Hub connector configuration and temporarily suspend its monitoring, see Black List.

To (3) add a new connection click +Add corresponding to the OpenStack connector icon. You will need to create a new connection in this way for each region to be monitored.

Figure: Adding a connection

Next, in the configuration page (shown below) you will need to enter both the GroundWork server and remote server parameters. The data the GroundWork server receives comes from the remote virtualization server. The information is pulled from the API on a periodic basis based on the check interval that is set.
The (1) Groundwork Server is where Cloud Hub will store OpenStack metrics. Often, this is the same server as where Cloud Hub is running. However, Cloud Hub can also be run in a distributed environment, on its own node in a GroundWork cluster. Here we enter the GroundWork server parameters, each described in the first table below.

Next enter values for the remote (2) OpenStack Server, shown below and described in the second table.

Validate both server configurations by selecting the (3) Test button which will check if the connections are accessible with the given credentials. A dialog will be displayed with either a success message or, if the server cannot be contacted, an error message will be displayed with information describing why the connection failed.

And after the remote server parameters have been entered and verified, click (4) Save to save and write the entries to an XML file in the GroundWork server /usr/local/groundwork/config/cloudhub directory. The Cloud Hub connector is assigned an agent ID and that in turn becomes a record locator in Foundation when you begin monitoring. After the credentials have been validated click Next to start customizing metrics for this connection.

Figure: OpenStack connector

Table: GroundWork server values

GroundWork Server Version Indicates the minimum GroundWork Monitor version needed. In other words, a version below the indicated value is incompatible.
Display Name This is the configuration’s name displayed in the list of Cloud Hub connectors on the Cloud Hub home page.
GroundWork Server Name The host name or IP address where a Groundwork server is running. A port number should not be entered here. If Groundwork is running on the same server, you can enter localhost.
Is SSL enabled on GroundWork Server? Check this box if the GroundWork server is provisioned with a secure HTTPS transport.
GroundWork Web Services Username This is the provisioned user name granted API access on the GroundWork server. 
For all systems, make sure the Web Services Username and Password match with the entries in the file.

GroundWork Web Services Password The corresponding API Token (password) for the given Username on the GroundWork server, see GroundWork Administration > GroundWork License > Webservices API Account Info Token (encrypted).
For all systems, make sure the Web Services Username and Password match with the entries in the file.

Merge hosts on GroundWork Server? If checked, this option combines all metrics of same named hosts under one host. For example, if there is a Nagios configured host named demo1 and a Cloud Hub discovered host named demo1, the services for both configured and discovered hosts will be combined under the hostname demo1 (case-sensitive).

Table: OpenStack server values

Is SSL enabled on OpenStack server? Check this box if the OpenStack server is configured for secure HTTPS.
OpenStack Server URL This is the URL for the OpenStack virtualization server (e.g.,
OpenStack Tenant ID
This is the ID for the OpenStack group of users.
OpenStack Tenant Name
This is the Name for the OpenStack group of users.
OpenStack Server Username
The provisioned Username granted API access on the OpenStack server.
OpenStack Server Password
The corresponding Password for the given Username on the OpenStack server.
Nova Port Number The Nova API listen on port 8774 for OpenStack API.
Keystone Port Number The Keystone port number is 5000 (public port).
Ceilometer Port Number The Ceilometer port number is 8777.
Check Interval (in mins) This is the polling interval for collecting monitoring data from the virtual instance and sending it to the GroundWork server. The value is in minutes.
Connection Retries (-1 infinite) This entry is the number of retries for the connection and sets a limit on how many attempts are made after a failure. If you set this to -1, the retrying goes on forever. The number set indicates how many connections are attempted before the connection is left inactive (until you restart it).

2.0 Determining Metrics To Be Monitored

The metrics page is where you customize the lists of metrics being gathered for a connection. Out of the box, a complete list of metrics is provided for clusters, hosts, and OpenStack services. Indicating a -1 for threshold fields will disable threshold triggers. A metric is considered inactive if it is not monitored.

Figure: OpenStack metrics

Table: OpenStack profile attribute options

Attribute The name of the service attribute (the metric name reported by the virtualization server).
Monitored When on (checked) the service will be monitored.
Graphed When on (checked) the service will be graphed.
Warning and Critical Thresholds These values control the triggering of alerts. A Warning number larger than the Critical value will cause Cloud Hub to detect the metric as a trigger. Choosing a -1 in a threshold box will disable triggering on that alert.
Service Name Cloud Hub automatically creates service names based on the metric name gathered from a virtualization server. The Service Name option adds the ability to report the polled metrics under a unique name that is set by the Administrator. Leaving the Service Name field blank defaults to the metric name reported by the virtualization server.
Description A description of the service attribute.


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virtualization virtualization Delete
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hub hub Delete
metrics metrics Delete
connectors connectors Delete
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