Settings for the GroundWork adapters which are a part of the Feeder framework. The adapters defined in the list will be loaded when the listener starts. When updating the state of an entity, if this flag is set to true and we encounter a PropertyType name that has not been defined in the metadata, the PropertyType is automatically created and assigned; otherwise the system complains and fails the status update. Unless you know for a fact that this flag should be set to 'true', you should probably use the default 'false' value. org.groundwork.collage.AutoCreateUnknownProperties = false
1.0 Settings for the Listener service (service.properties)
Setting | Description/Default Setting |
default.listener.port | Settings for port listener receiving XML fragements. default.listener.port = 4913 |
thread.timeout.idle | Main Listening Thread settings. Timeout of no input in seconds before a listener thread is removed. Note: This timeout period indicates that if the client has not posted anything to the socket by the timeout specified we release the listening thread and close the socket. Clients should create connections, use them and then close them. thread.timeout.idle = 10 |
thread.executor.core.pool.size | Main Listening Thread - Core Thread Pool Size - Typically, configure based on number of feeders. thread.executor.core.pool.size = 5 |
max.request.size | Accepting maximum number of requests before giving higher priority to thread running adapters. max.request.size = 1800 |
throttle.request.wait | Time to wait before accepting new requests when max size is reached. throttle.request.wait = 2 |
block.read.size | Block size to read from Socket default 64k. block.read.size = 65535 |
statistics.hoststatus statistics.hoststatus statistics.servicestatus statistics.nagios |
Statistics properties. statistics.hoststatus = DOWN;UNREACHABLE;PENDING;UP;SCHEDULED DOWN;UNSCHEDULED DOWN statistics.hoststatus = DOWN;UNREACHABLE;PENDING;UP;SCHEDULED DOWN;UNSCHEDULED DOWN statistics.servicestatus = CRITICAL;WARNING;UNKNOWN;OK;PENDING;SCHEDULED CRITICAL;UNSCHEDULED CRITICAL statistics.nagios = isNotificationsEnabled;isEventHandlersEnabled;ScheduledDowntimeDepth;isChecksEnabled;Acknowledged;PassiveChecks;isFlapDetectionEnabled |
2.0 Foundation JMS Configuration
Setting | Description/Default Setting |
jndi.factory.initial jndi.factory.host jndi.factory.port |
JNDI Server Configuration. jndi.factory.initial=fr.dyade.aaa.jndi2.client.NamingContextFactory jndi.factory.host=localhost jndi.factory.port=16400 |
jms.admin.user jms.admin.password |
JMS Administrator user and password. We should encrypt password. jms.admin.user=root jms.admin.password=root |
jms.admin.port | JMS Admin listening port. jms.admin.port=16011 |
jms.server.name | JMS server ip / domain name. This property should be changed to the server name / ip and should not be localhost. When clients retrieve the server context (cf0) it needs to be related to the proper server and not to localhost unless all clients are on the same host as Foundation. jms.server.name=localhost |
jms.server.id | JMS Server Id. jms.server.id=0 |
jms.server.persistence.path | Location of server persistence path relative to the start up directory. jms.server.persistence.path=./s0 |
jms.server.context.id | Context JNDI Lookup Name. This context is used by all destinations. jms.server.context.id = cf0 |
jms.server.queues | Comma-separated list of queues to be created. Example: groundwork,groundwork_queue2,groundwork_queue3,... jms.server.queues=groundwork |
jms.server.topics | Comma-separated list of topics to be created. Example: foundation_events,groundwork_topic2,groundwork_topic3 jms.server.topics=foundation_events,foundation_entities,nagios_performance_info,ui_events |
3.0 Foundation Feeder JMS Configuration
Setting | Description/Default Setting |
feeder.jms.enabled | JMS listener. configuration. It's the preferred way to insert messages from Java applications or any JMS 'able' application to feed data. feeder.jms.enabled = true |
feeder.jms.queue.name | Destination JNDI lookup name. feeder.jms.queue.name = groundwork |
4.0 Foundation Event Service Configuration
Setting | Description/Default Setting |
fes.topic.name | Name of topic destination events will be published. fes.topic.name = foundation_events |
fes.batch.size | Number of events to batch before a publish is required. If <= 0 then this setting is ignored. fes.batch.size = 50 |
fes.batch.concatenate | If true this property indicates that for each publish batch all events should be concatenated and sent in one JMS text message. If set to false all events will result in individual JMS text messages. fes.batch.concatenate = true |
fes.batch.interval | Time interval in milliseconds to queue and batch events before a publish is required. This value should be greater than or equal fes.check.interval. Setting this value to less than check interval will void this property usage and the system will always look for the batch size. fes.batch.interval = 30000 |
fes.check.interval | This is the time that the publish sleeps between batches. This value should be greater than zero. fes.check.interval = 10000 |
5.0 Foundation Action Service Configuration
Setting | Description/Default Setting |
fas.executor.core.pool.size fas.executor.max.pool.size fas.executor.queue.size |
Action Thread Pool fas.executor.core.pool.size = 5 fas.executor.max.pool.size = 25 fas.executor.queue.size = 100 |
fas.executor.keep.alive | Keep Thread Alive In Seconds fas.executor.keep.alive = 30 |
6.0 Foundation Dispatcher Configuration
Setting | Description/Default Setting |
fmd.message.queue.max | Maximum number of messages placed on message queue. Once this limit is reached the dispatcher will stop reading messages from the JMS queue until it is caught up. fmd.message.queue.max=500 |
fmd.msgkeys.HOST_STATUS fmd.msgkeys.SERVICE_STATUS fmd.msgkeys.NAGIOS_LOG fmd.msgkeys.COLLAGE_LOG fmd.msgkeys.GENERICLOG fmd.msgkeys.SYSTEM_CONFIG fmd.msgkeys.SNMPTRAP fmd.msgkeys.SYSLOG fmd.msgkeys.SYSTEMADMIN |
Coordinate all incoming messages on the following attributes. fmd.msgkeys.HOST_STATUS=Host,Device fmd.msgkeys.SERVICE_STATUS=Host,Device,ServiceDescription fmd.msgkeys.NAGIOS_LOG=Device fmd.msgkeys.COLLAGE_LOG=Device fmd.msgkeys.GENERICLOG=Device fmd.msgkeys.SYSTEM_CONFIG=Host,Device fmd.msgkeys.SNMPTRAP=Device fmd.msgkeys.SYSLOG=Device fmd.msgkeys.SYSTEMADMIN=Host,HostId,Device,DeviceId,HostGroup,HostGroupId,ServiceDescription,ServiceId |
fmd.msgserialkeys.NAGIOS_LOG fmd.msgserialkeys.GENERICLOG fmd.msgserialkeys.COLLAGE_LOG fmd.msgserialkeys.SYSTEMADMIN fmd.msgserialkeys.SYSLOG fmd.msgserialkeys.SNMPTRAP |
If any of the attributes listed appear in the message then all messages of the same type with the same attribute value will be executed serially. fmd.msgserialkeys.NAGIOS_LOG=consolidation fmd.msgserialkeys.GENERICLOG=consolidation fmd.msgserialkeys.COLLAGE_LOG=consolidation fmd.msgserialkeys.SYSTEMADMIN=consolidation,Host,HostId,Device,DeviceId,HostGroup,HostGroupId,ServiceDescription,ServiceId fmd.msgserialkeys.SYSLOG=consolidation fmd.msgserialkeys.SNMPTRAP=consolidation |
fmd.executor.core.pool.size fmd.executor.max.pool.size fmd.executor.queue.size |
Foundation Message Dispatcher Request Executor Pool Configuration Note: fmd.executor.max.pool.size should be equal or more than with the max number of db connections in the database connection pool (db.properties). fmd.executor.core.pool.size = 15 fmd.executor.max.pool.size = 100 fmd.executor.queue.size = 500 |
fmd.executor.keep.alive | Keep Thread Alive In Seconds fmd.executor.keep.alive = 60 |
7.0 Foundation PerformanceData Configuration
Setting | Description/Default Setting |
fp.data.rollup | Foundation PerformanceData rollup possible values: day, hour, minute. fp.data.rollup=day |
8.0 RRD creation settings
Setting | Description/Default Setting |
rrdtool.thread.timeout | Creating an RRD graph should not take more than a second per graph. Calls will be interruppted if they take more than 5 seconds per RRD graph. rrdtool.thread.timeout = 5 |
9.0 Delimiter for the cacti interface
Setting | Description/Default Setting |
cacti.interface.delimiter cacti.interface.labelurl.delimiter |
Delimiters for the cacti interface to parse the label and url send by the feeder since 6.0.1. cacti.interface.delimiter = !! cacti.interface.labelurl.delimiter =;; |
10.0 Event message pre-processing
Setting | Description/Default Setting |
event.pre.process.enabled event.pre.process.opstatus |
Enables/Disables event message pre-processing since 6.3. Valid values for event.pre.process.enabled property values true,false. Valid values for event.pre.process.opstatus property are ACCEPTED, OPEN, CLOSE, NOTIFY. event.pre.process.enabled = false event.pre.process.opstatus=ACCEPTED |
11.0 Portal Proxy
Setting | Description/Default Setting |
portal.proxy.user portal.proxy.password |
Portal proxy user name and password. portal.proxy.user=user portal.proxy.password=user |
12.0 Plugin UI
Setting | Description/Default Setting |
gdma.plugin.upload.enable | Enable manage plugin UI. Valid values are true or false. gdma.plugin.upload.enable=true |