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About GDMA
(GroundWork 7.1.1 Documentation)
Contents The page describes use cases, modes of operation, and the application design considerations for GDMAs. 1.0 Introduction A GDMA consists of memory resident programs that perform monitoring checks on individually configurable time intervals and reports the results to GroundWork Monitor. Configuration ...
Other labels:
gdma, autoregistration, auto, agents, remote, monitoring
(GroundWork 7.1.1 Documentation)
GroundWork Distributed Monitoring Agent This section covers the GroundWork Distributed Monitoring Agent (GDMA). The GDMA was developed primarily as a scaling method for GroundWork Monitor installations. In simple terms, it is an agent that runs independently of the Nagios scheduler in GroundWork Monitor, and forwards ...
Other labels:
groundwork, distributed, monitoring, agent, gdma, autoregistration, auto
GDMA Advanced
(GroundWork 7.1.1 Documentation)
Contents This section is designed for those that have used GDMA previously, have it already set up and working, and would like to use the advanced features. 1.0 Detailed Installation and Setup 1.1 Controlling poller and spooler status messages The GDMA profiles ...
Other labels:
gdma, remote, monitoring, advanced, autoregistration, auto, agents
(GroundWork 7.1.1 Documentation)
GDMA FAQs Q: How can I speed up autoregistration? A: Regarding autoregistration processing, if an autoregistration request doesn't yield any positive results, the poller won't keep banging on the server every iteration, it waits for at least an ...
Other labels:
gdma, faqs, autoregistration, auto, agents
GDMA Troubleshooting
(GroundWork 7.1.1 Documentation)
Contents This page reference troubleshooting tips for GDMA. 1.0 Common Issues 1.1 Target Side Are the appropriate ports accessible? If autoregistration is completing but monitoring data from GDMA clients is obviously not being processed by the server, perhaps the problem is that the server does ...
Other labels:
gdma, troubleshooting, agents, autoregistration, auto
How can I completely disable Automated Agent Registration?
(GroundWork 7.2.0 Documentation)
PAGE HELPFUL? <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=How can I completely disable Automated Agent Registration?">Leave Feedback</a> \\ \\ Q: How can I completely disable Automated Agent Registration? A: To stop all Automated Agent Registration ...
Other labels:
gdma, disable, automated, agent
How can I completely disable Automated Agent Registration?
(GroundWork 7.2.1 Documentation)
PAGE HELPFUL? <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=How can I completely disable Automated Agent Registration?">Leave Feedback</a> \\ \\ Q: How can I completely disable Automated Agent Registration? A: To stop all Automated Agent Registration ...
Other labels:
gdma, disable, automated, agent
How do I uninstall GDMA?
(GroundWork 7.2.1 Documentation)
PAGE HELPFUL? <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=How do I uninstall GDMA?">Leave Feedback</a> \\ \\ Q: How do I uninstall GDMA? A: To uninstall GDMA: For Linux: Access a command line interface for the Linux GDMA client server ...
Other labels:
gdma, disable, automated, agent, uninstall
How do I uninstall GDMA?
(GroundWork 7.2.0 Documentation)
PAGE HELPFUL? <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=How do I uninstall GDMA?">Leave Feedback</a> \\ \\ Q: How do I uninstall GDMA? A: To uninstall GDMA: For Linux: Access a command line interface for the Linux GDMA client server ...
Other labels:
gdma, disable, automated, agent
How to move auto registration hosts
(GroundWork 7.2.0 Documentation)
PAGE HELPFUL? <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=How to move auto registration hosts">Leave Feedback</a> \\ \\ Overview In order for GroundWork Monitor to build an external to be used by the GDMA client, it needs to be associated with a monarch group either individually or by hostgroup ...
Other labels:
gdma, autoregistration, auto, move, hosts