Nagios 3: Open Source And Network Monitoring For Large Enterprises


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On-Demand Webcast with Ethan Galstad


With thousands of large enterprise deployments, NagiosTM* is the undisputed leader in open source monitoring, and has established the credibility of open source monitoring in serious business environments, delivering both cost savings and increased flexibility to its users. Nagios 3 improves upon this track record, delivering increased scalability and improved service management for large, complex environments.

Meet the Nagios project founder, Ethan Galstad, along with the GroundWork Open Source, and learn real-world examples of how Nagios is being used and how the power of Nagios 3 will be incorporated into the next version of GroundWork Monitor Enterprise.

This is a recorded version of the Live webcast held on 12/03/2008 at 9:00 am PT. Download this today and learn more about Nagios 3.0 and the benefits of extending its features and capabilities with GroundWork Open Source.

Screen Shots of Webcast

* Nagios is a registered trademark of Nagios Enterprises