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GroundWork Services & Support

As a GroundWork Monitor Enterprise or Professional Customer, you’ve got access to a spanning suite of resources to: 1) get your monitoring up and running quickly, 2) keep your monitoring well-tuned and agile, and 3) expand your monitoring deployment with ease.

Depending on the depth of your in-house IT staffing, GroundWork Monitor customers can choose between Standard Support and Premier Support (24X7). Either way: web-based GroundWork Connect is a rich and ever-expanding portal where the external GroundWork community and our engineering and support staff collaborate to keep you current with updates to software, documentation, and the newest device and service plug-ins. [ learn more ]
Professional Services
As a GroundWork Monitor customer, we roll out your new solution quickly and comprehensively – whether it’s as a fresh deployment or an add-on to existing monitoring. But our involvement doesn’t end there: we’re available at any point to assist with both major and minor expansions to your solution – be it adding a single custom device or setting up a new datacenter. [ learn more ]
We find that educated users get the highest value out of their solution, that’s why we offer the highest value training. From comprehensive, hands-on GroundWork University classes in our state-of-the art training center to no-cost, online pre-recorded videos, GroundWork transfers what we know about monitoring to you. [ learn more ]